洋蔥醬烤黑毛豬仔骨 Grilled Iberico Pork Spare Ribs with Onion Sauce

食材 Ingredients:
蜜糖 適量Honey
西班牙黑毛豬仔骨 一條
1 rack Spain Iberico Pork

Onion Sauce:
洋蔥 3個
3 Onions
紅酒醋 6湯匙 6 tbsps Red Wine Vinegar
茄汁 2湯匙
2 tbsps Ketchup
鹽 適量
糖 適量
黑胡椒碎 適量
Black Pepper
水 5湯匙
5 tbsps Water

做法 Directions:

【洋蔥醬】【Onion Sauce】

加入紅酒醋至鑊底分解焦香物(deglaze)加黑胡椒碎和糖,再炒10 – 20分鐘至焦糖化

Slice 3 onions and sauté at medium-low heat for 20mins, then season with salt.
Add in red wine vinegar for deglazing, then black pepper and sugar and stir for 10 – 20mins to be caramelised.
Stir in ketchup
Season the sauce if needed, then add in water and stir with a whisk.
Separate the sauce and the onion by using a sift.

【豬肋骨】【Iberico Pork Spare Ribs】

用錫紙完全包裹着豬肋骨(連醃料) ,放入已預熱焗爐以200℃焗2小時
取出Rest 5 – 10分鐘就完成

Rinse the rub dry the spare ribs. Then marinate the spare ribs with salt and the onion sauce for 24 hours.
Wrap the spare ribs and marinate with foil and grill in a pre-heated oven at 200℃for 2 hours.
Remove the foil wrap and brush the onion sauce onto the spare ribs. Then grill at 250℃ for 10mins or until the surface turns brown.
Brush honey onto the spare ribs and grill for 5mins.
Take out, let it rest for 5 – 10mins and done.

Recipe and Photo: Mr. Joseph Yip


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