台灣肉燥飯 Taiwanese Minced Pork Rice

食材 Ingredients
粟子飼養西班牙杜洛黑豚-梅頭肉600g 切粒
Chestnut-fed Spain Duroc pork collar meat 600g, diced
紅葱頭10大粒切碎 Shallot 10 pcs, chopped
蒜頭5粒切碎garlic 5 Small pcs, chopped
黃糖、胡椒粉各1湯匙 Raw sugar, White pepper powder, 1 Tablespoon each
清雞湯1杯 Chicken broth, 1 cup
Dark soya sauce, Chinese wine, mirin, five spices powder, bay leave and star anise
蛋3隻、豆腐乾3片 3 eggs, dried bean curd 3 pcs

1/ 用油起鑊中火炒梅肉粒,炒至金黃色;
2/ 取起梅肉粒炒紅葱頭至軟身,加蒜蓉和之前炒過的梅肉粒炒勻
3/ 加黃糖、胡椒粉、老抽、紹興酒、味醂、五香粉、香葉和八角炒勻
4/ 加清雞湯和水,蓋過肉燥約2吋,試味,大滾後加入烚過除殼的蛋和豆腐乾,轉細火煲半小時便完成,伴以日本米或珍珠米進食


There are a few important points to make tasty minced pork:
Good ingredients, I’m using chestnut-fed Spain Duroc pork collar meat
Secondly, chop the meat manually, do not use machine in order to keep the meat juicy
Thirdly, when stir fry the meat with shallots, burn a little bit but not too much, the good smell is coming from burning the meat

1/ Stir fry the meat with oil in the wok until golden brown
2/ Take out the meat, stir fry the chopped shallots until soft, add in chopped garlic and the meat
3/ Add in raw sugar, white pepper powder, dark soya sauce, Chinese wine, Mirin , bay leave and star anise
4/ Add in chicken broth and water to cover the meat for 2 inches, when boiling, add in unshelled boiled eggs and dried bean curds, turn to low fire and cook for 30 minutes
Serve with Japanese rice or pearl rice


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