烤美國自然 BBQ 豬仔骨 US BBQ ribs

材料 Ingredients
海鹽 Sea salt 
蒜粉 Garlic powder
甜椒粉 Paprika
燒烤醬 Barbecue sauce

做法 Direction:

  1. 用刀將豬肋排每支骨之間的肉界一下
  2. 用海鹽、蒜粉及甜椒粉醃豬肋排約15分鐘
  3. 用錫紙包裹豬肋排,肉的一面朝下,放入已預熱焗爐以130℃焗2小時
  4. 取出,打開錫紙,塗上大量燒烤醬,250℃烤15分鐘
  5. 取出,將豬肋排反轉,肉的一面向上,塗上大量燒烤醬,然後以250℃烤15分鐘
  6. 取出Rest 5分鐘就完成
  7. 享用時可點燒烤醬
  1. Cut each rib slightly
  2. Marinate ribs with sea salt, garlic powder and paprika for 15 minutes
  3. Wrap ribs in aluminium foil with meat facing down, put into preheated oven for 2 hours at 130 C
  4. Take out from oven, open aluminium foil, put lots of BBQ sauce, bake in oven for another 15 minutes in 250 C
  5. Take out ribs, turn meat facing up, put lots of BBQ sauce, bake another 15 minutes in 250 C
  6. Take out ribs and rest for 5 minutes
  7. Serve (with BBQ sauce if needed)