慢煮烤牛仔骨伴芝士薯 Roast slow cooked beef ribs

材料 Ingredient

美國牛仔骨 US beef ribs

黑椒鹽 2茶匙 black pepper salt 2 tsp

迷迭香 2條 rosemary 2 sticks

蛋白 1隻 egg white 1 pc

慢煮 Slow cook

1/ 將牛仔骨放入慢煮袋內,放入黑椒鹽和一條迷迭香,封口
Put beef ribs into slow cook bag, add in black pepper salt and 1 stick of rosemary, seal

2/ 以58度C慢煮15小時
Slow cook in 58C for 15 hours

烤 Roast

1/ 從慢煮袋取出牛仔骨抹乾
Take beef ribs out from the slow cook bag

2/ 搽上蛋白加上切碎的迷迭香
Spread the egg white and chopped rosemary on the ribs

3/ 放入預熱230度C焗爐烤15分鐘
Roast in preheated 230C oven for 15 minutes

4/ 取出用鍚紙蓋上靜止3分鐘便可上碟
Take out and rest in aluminium foil paper for 3 minutes 

5/ 上碟時沿骨切下牛仔骨,再切件便完成
Cut the meat out from the bone, cut into smaller pieces and serve with gratin potatoes


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