

南美大龍蝦尾  約500克

牛油  40克

麵粉 4大匙

白酒 50 ml

淡忌廉 2/3杯

牛奶  適量 (若覺得醬汁太濃稠,可加牛奶稀釋)

水牛芝士碎 (Mozzarella Cheese) 適量

鹽 適量

黑胡椒 適量


  1. 將龍蝦肉去除底殼取出並切塊,小心要保留上面的完整龍蝦殼
  2. 用細火加熱大約20克牛油,加入龍蝦肉略炒,再倒入白酒煮至大約四成熟, 取出備用
  3. 用原鍋加入餘下牛油及麵粉,用細火炒勻成糊狀
  4. 加入牛奶及淡忌廉慢慢煮成濃稠糊狀忌廉醬
  5. 加入龍蝦肉與忌廉醬拌勻,並加入鹽及黑胡椒調味
  6. 再將龍蝦肉放回龍蝦殼中,並在面上撒上少許的水牛芝士碎
  7. 放入已預熱220℃焗爐中焗大約15- 20分鐘至金黃色就完成,趁熱享用 !

Baked White Wine Cream Sauce Lobster Tail


Approx. 500g South America Lobster Tail (Large)

40g Butter

4 Tablespoons Flour

50ml White Wine

2/3 Cup Whipping Cream

Milk (For diluting the sauce)

Shredded Mozzarella Cheese


Black Pepper


  1. Cut through the top shell of the lobster tail, then pull out the meat and cut into pieces and keep the shell intact.
  2. Melt 20g butter with low heat and stir fry the lobster meat; add in white wine and cook until almost half cooked, remove and set aside.
  3. Use the same pan to heat the rest of the butter and flour with low heat and mix well.
  4. Add in milk and whipping cream until it is thickened.
  5. Add in the lobster meat and season with salt and pepper.
  6. Stuff the shell with the lobster meat and sprinkle with cheese on top.
  7. Bake the lobster in a pre-heated oven at 220℃ for 15- 20 mins until it turns brown.


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