台灣牛肉麵 Taiwanese Beef Noodles

台灣牛肉麵 Taiwanese Beef Noodles

Oyster Blade is tender, with a little bit fat and tendon, full of collagen, it is good to briase. I like to use it to make Taiwanese beef noodles, as it is tasty and tender especially the soft tendons

台灣牛肉麵食譜 Direction

食材 Ingredients

Oyster blade beef 300g

Beef shin 300g

Spice package: Sichuan peppercorns 1 tsp, star anise 2 pcs, nutmeg 1 pc, cinnamon 1 stick, clove 1/2 tsp, fennel 1/2 tsp, licorice 1 pc, bay leave 2 pcs

Ginger 4 pcs, spring onion 1 bundle, onion 1/2 and cut into pcs, garlic 6 pcs, dried chilli, fresh small red chilli 4 pcs, dried mandarin peel 1 pc, rock sugar 1 tbsp

bean paste 2 tbsp, dark soya sauce 2 tbsp, Chinese wine 2 tbsp

Sesame oil, white pepper powder, beef or chicken soup,

菜、白蘿蔔和台灣麵 (用上海麵也可)
vegetables, white radish, Taiwanese noodles or Shanghainese noodles

上碟- 酸菜一束、葱、芫荽和芹菜切碎
Garnish: pickled mustard green, Spring onion, parsley, chopped Chinese celery

做法 Cooking method:

1/ 先將香料用乾鑊炒,喚醒香味、放入湯包內

Pan fry the spices in a dry wok and put into a small bag

2/ 牛肉切大粒,撈入胡椒粉和麻油
Cut beef into big cubes, marinate with white pepper powder and sesame oil

3/ 用中大火加油炒香牛肉粒,取出
Stir fry beef cubes in medium to high fire and take out

4/ 用中火放入薑片、洋葱、蒜頭三粒、辣椒乾和果皮,炒後再放回牛肉
Stir fry ginger, onion, 3 pcs of garlic, dried chilli and dried mandarin peel in medium fry and put the beef back

5/ 加入豆瓣醬、老抽、紹興酒、清湯、冰糖和葱,加水蓋過牛肉約一吋,再加切大粒的白蘿蔔
Add in bean paste, dark soya sauce, Chinese wine, broth, rock sugar and water to cover beef over 1 inch, add in white radish (in big cubes)

6/ 大火煲滾後轉細火煲約個半小時便可,記住要試味和試牛肉是否煮至自己喜愛的軟硬酸菜
Boil the ingredients in high fire and turn into low fire when boiling, boil for approx one and a half hours, taste the soup and tenderness of beef to your liking

7/ 浸水,切碎後加入三粒蒜蓉和小辣椒炒淋備用
Pickled mustard green, sock in water, cut into small pcs, add in chopped fresh red chilli

上碟 Serve

用水加清湯煲菜取出,煮麵,放麵入碗 + 半碗煮麵的清湯 + 菜 + 牛肉 + 酸菜 + 葱 + 芫茜 + 芹菜,最後如入燉牛肉的湯汁便完成,用小碗裝起白蘿蔔伴食
Boil vegetables in clear water and broth, boil noodles next, put noodles and vegetables into a big bowl, add in half bowl of clear broth, beef, put chopped pickled mustard green, spring onion, parsley, Chinese celery on top, put beef sauce at last, serve with cooked white radish


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